Daily Creativity For Positive Change With Tahina Macette: Episode 62

Juliette works in the world of personal development and transformation as an intuitive coach and spiritual mentor. She is a sacred space holder, teacher and guide for both young people and adults.

Discover the secrets to self-mastery with my special guest, Juliette Noske, an intuitive coach and spiritual mentor. Juliette shares her compelling journey from the depths of self-harm and an eating disorder to a life of self-awareness and healing. Hear about the transformative experiences that led her to realize her true essence—love. This episode is filled with profound insights on how self-awareness can be the key to change and healing.

In our conversation, we also explore the complex relationship between the mind and soul, diving into practices like mirror exercises and soul contract readings. Learn how techniques like neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can shift perspectives and clear mental ‘viruses’. Tune in for practical wisdom and enlightening anecdotes that can help guide your own journey of self-discovery and mastery.

Connect with  Juliette

Website: www.juliettenoske.com

Instagram: @juliettenoske

Facebook: @Juliette.Noske

YouTube Channel: @JulietteNoske/videos

Soulful Sauna Podcast: Soulful Song

Aideen Ni Riada: 0:03

Welcome to the Resonate podcast with Aideen. I’m Aideen Ni Riada, and my guest today is Juliette Noske. You’re very welcome, Juliette. Hello, it’s great to have you here. Let me tell everyone a little about you. Juliette works in the world of personal development and transformation as an intuitive coach and spiritual mentor. She is a sacred space holder, teacher and guide for both young people and adults. Juliette is a magical being and a shape shifter. She supports people on their journey of self-mastery, as they awaken to their power within. Where the gold is and that’s where I’d like to start today, Juliette is this idea of self-mastery, because I know that that’s a big part of what you promote, and your podcast is basically about self-mastery as well. Isn’t that right?

Juliette Noske: 0:57

Yes, it is, and it comes from my own journey of self-mastery. From my own journey of self-mastery I very much began in quite a dark place when I was younger. I had a lot of challenges and for me it was this beginning to develop my self-awareness which was the key to my the beginning of my journey of self-mastery. And as I share a lot with my clients, you know I came from a very dark place and I was able to see that light at the end of the tunnel from various people in my life and different experiences that I had. So training in drama was very cathartic and little things along the way that kind of showed me that light at the end of the tunnel. And for me, I guess, if we look at what is self-mastery, I believe personally that is self-mastery. I believe personally that self-mastery is a journey that we’re all on and it’s not like anyone is a as above the other person. And when we’re on this journey of self-mastery, you know you may fall down and I help pick you up at one point, or I may fall down and someone else helps me to pick me up and we’re all learning together. We might be learning different things, um, but yeah, we’re all on it together, and one of the pillars in in self-mastery is this self-awareness and becoming aware of what we’re doing or what we’re saying or how we’re being, because until we know something, we can’t change it. Yes and yeah, and so it’s finding out what those things are that we don’t know, those blind spots that we have.

Juliette Noske: 3:02

And when I was very young, I used to self-harm. I had bulimia, an eating disorder at various, you know, from my teenage years until my early 20s, I think, and when I was 16 I actually tried to commit suicide, and a lot of it was emotions bubbling up that I wasn’t able to process and the things that had happened in my childhood that I wasn’t able to deal with. You might call them. You know traumatic experiences, and when I became aware of you, know what I was doing and maybe you know the causes of these things, then I was able to slowly, over time, change them.

Aideen Ni Riada: 3:55

I love the idea that you found some support through the creativity and I’m sure there were people that worked with you at that time that could see you were struggling. How important is you know that? You know self-mastery sounds like a very solo kind of task you figure yourself out. But I know myself and I think we both know from the work we do that we all need help along the way. So tell us a little bit about that yeah, so I guess that there were.

Juliette Noske: 4:32

There were people along the way that helped me, and and not all of them were professionals. You know, now a lot more professionals step in to support young people when they when they have, you know, mental health challenges and different things, but I there wasn’t that, that framework in place, necessarily, when I was young, I did see a couple of counsellors who were very helpful, and I remember one of them doing some art therapy with me actually, um, and something with some, some rocks or stones and and then some, you know, drawing different images depending, like drawing my emotions and things like that. But also one of my mom’s friends. She was very instrumental because she was, she was able to get to me when no one else could, and so, and then there was.

Juliette Noske: 5:22

There was another thing when I remember when I was going to university and I received this book I can’t even remember who from and it’s called Seth Speaks and it’s a personal development book that has different questions and references in it and a bit like a workbook in a way, and I remember that being quite instrumental in in my personal transformation. Um, and then, uh, another person was my my now ex-husband as well and he was. He was very supportive and helped me, you know, to change and become aware of what I was doing and how I was behaving wow, we’re so, I am, we’re so lucky to have each other, you know yes, yeah, I, I mean to be honest.

Juliette Noske: 6:22

There are uh of things we often think maybe it was just one thing, but there were millions of things that supported me in my journey of change. And another one of those was actually a program that I did. It was a long weekend program with Landmark Education and it’s called the Landmark Forum and they get a lot of bad stick because their marketing is a bit kind of pushy, but actually the program itself and the teachings are really really great. And during this three-day course I remember I had so many aha moments and at the end of the course on the third day I realized that who I am is love and it was absolutely huge.

Juliette Noske: 7:10

And I was floating so much that when we went out for the last break of that day my friend had to grab me because I almost walked into the road, because I was, I was so floaty, not kind of grounded um, that I almost just walked into the, into the road without you know thinking so I wasn’t in in my body so much, but that was. That was huge for me, having, you know, utilized, um, various you know, drugs and alcohol and things when I was younger to kind of mask and hide what I was going through. Um, I now long, I now no longer did those things and I I truly became aware that I don’t need anything or anyone to give me that love, because who I am is love, and that was, that was one of those pivotal key moments that really stands out.

Aideen Ni Riada: 8:04

That’s such an important realization because a lot of the way that we relate to life and what we think of ourselves is based on what we identify as who we are. Sometimes the behaviors that we have, like bulimia or something like that, that can become part of your identity. But when we identify with something positive, it gives us hope for the future and it helps us to to overcome some of the behaviors that are not positive. So I’m so, so glad that you had that realization, because that sets you up then to create a whole different kind of life realization because that sets you up then to create a whole different kind of life.

Juliette Noske: 8:48

Yes, and in fact it was my self-esteem piggy bank, as someone once said to me that was, that was very low and so it was over over those years. It was about me filling up that piggy bank and really beginning to believe myself, because we’ve probably all had someone in our life who we’ve said, you know, we’ve told them how amazing they are, we’ve told them how beautiful they are, and they just don’t believe you. And that’s because they have to first believe it in themselves. And my everyone thought I was really confident and on the outside I was, you know, and when you said that, people maybe must have recognized what I was going through, a lot of people did not have a clue. When I was at my college and I had to go and I got to go and see the counselor, and most people that were in my close vicinity, in my circle, inner circle, did not know, including my mother and she was really upset about this. But I was very good at putting on a face and hiding it that I was. You know that I was going through this, this pain and this suffering, and so my confidence looked great. And you find that in maybe famous people as well, where they seem very confident, but then they do something and you can see that underneath that, their self-esteem, their belief in their self, is actually very low.

Juliette Noske: 10:21

And someone once explained, you know, that my, my piggy bank, my self-esteem piggy bank, was low, that I could slowly, you know, over time, fill up that piggy bank of self-esteem. And one of the one of the key things that I did was actually an exercise that my mum gave me and she said, she said I had to stand in front of the mirror looking into my eyes, my own eyes we know the eyes are the windows of the soul and I had to say to myself I love you, I love you, I love you. And then you have to say pink, pink and pink. So the pink, pink and pink part is because that just makes you smile. And, um, I remember saying to her but I don’t. And she said you know, just just fake it till you make it.

Juliette Noske: 11:15

And I remember saying to her but I don’t. And she said you know, just fake it till you make it. And I was like I’m not fake, I don’t want to fake it, you know. And she said well, you know, act, act as if. So you know, because I was doing drama at the time and she was like well, act as if you know, act as if that’s what you believe in. And then over time you’ll find that it becomes true. And over time it did slowly sink into my being and I remember, you know, a couple of years later or years later, I’d be walking down the road and you know, you turn and you look at the shop and the windows there and you can see yourself in the reflection. Now I remember going hey, I love you.

Aideen Ni Riada: 12:02

That’s the beauty of any habit, right when we create a new habit, and it can take a little bit of time and it can take a lot of effort, but then it’s like a resource, it’s something that you have. Again. What I thought was genius about this concept and this image of a piggy bank is it’s about your value. You know, when we think of a piggy bank, we’re thinking of you know money going in there, and every time you did that, I love you, I love you, I love you. That was a formative, an investment, an investment in your own value. And as you filled yourself up, your value increased, your. You were appreciating in value, and this is a passion of mine is to help people understand that they are a treasure and that they have value. So I definitely am going to steal that idea and start telling people because it’s a beautiful image and, yeah, that’s you know.

Aideen Ni Riada: 13:02

I’ve done that exercise where you look in the mirror. If anybody listening hasn’t tried it before. It’s very uncomfortable the first couple of times you do it and sometimes you can look through one eye and say it and believe it, and then you look through the other eye and you won’t believe it, because you know the brain is so complex, the human brain is so complex, but the soul is much simpler than that, and that’s what you work with is soul. Now, how do you help your clients to connect to their soul now, having been through everything you’ve been through?

Juliette Noske: 13:34

yeah, um, well, before I go there, I just want to touch on this idea of programming the mind and the soul contract is is one of the processes that I do with my clients, and but I’ll come to that in a second because one of the tools I use, or lots of the tools I use, come from NLP. So neuro linguistic programming, neuro being the brain, linguistic being our language, and programming like a when you program your computer. Now, people update their iPhone, their Samsung, their whatever. You know it is well, you have to update some of them, don’t you? Otherwise nothing else works and we update them so that they work more efficiently and they work in the way that we want them to for the purpose that we have them for. And our mind is the same, is the same. So our mind, we can program our minds and you know, yes, sometimes there’s a virus in there that we need to maybe clear out beforehand. Um, and those, you know, there’s various ways to work with those viruses, but reframing something and and looking at it in a different way or using different language, can help us to reprogram our mind.

Juliette Noske: 14:57

And when we’re looking in our eyes, I like that how you say look through one eye or the other eye. And then also, one thing I used to do was I used to imagine, when I looked into my eyes, it was someone I love, because when we look at someone we love, you know, when I say to my mum, I love you, I don’t think of all the arguments that we had or you know, or the wrinkles on her face or her greying hair. I look into her eyes, into her soul and I say I love you, mum. And that is what we’re doing. When we do this with ourself is we are looking, like you say, deep into our own soul and connecting with that constant within which is eternal, which is pure, pure presence. Now, and it doesn’t have a number, it doesn’t have wrinkles, it, you know, it doesn’t have the gray hair, it is this pure, pure presence.

Juliette Noske: 16:07

And so the soul contracts work that I do is it comes from something called the Moses Code and it was downloaded, and basically you look at someone’s name and it’s the name as it’s written on their birth certificate. So if you do any manifestation work, you know that writing something down creates a deeper level of of, of power, of potency to something, and the names it’s written on our birth certificate is what soul contract reading says is our, our gift from our soul. And within that name there is a code that, when we explore into it, can support us in knowing ourselves a little better, and it can help confirm things that we already knew, why we have certain repeat patterns that happen again and again. Repetitive patterns or those you know move around over or through those, those challenges that we’re facing in our life to be our fullest soul expression. And so the, the number, the letters of our name, get translated into Hebrew, letters which correlate with a number, which then you place around the Star of David and then you do your calculations.

Juliette Noske: 18:00

If you’re not mathematical, you can use the online program and then it shares with you numbers that relate to your spiritual self and your physical self and talk about your karma.

Juliette Noske: 18:15

So the things that you’ve come here to work through and learn not kind of penalties that you’ve been given, but it’s slightly different understanding, or maybe some people’s understanding of karma um shares with you your talents and also your goals, and and it’s fascinating because the things that it brings to light is absolutely amazing.

Juliette Noske: 18:37

So one client, for example they had a predominant four in their chart and they’d always struggled with being a parent when they became a parent. For some people it seems easy, you know, and for them becoming a parent had been such a huge challenge. Easy, you know, and for them becoming a parent had been such a huge challenge. And when you have this particular pattern in your chart, it’s because being a parent is is one of the lessons for you, and learning about selfless love and that that when you, when you have a child, that love that you have to give to them, you have to, you know, you have to sacrifice a lot and have this huge amount of selfless love. It brought a deeper layer of understanding and then, looking at, you know what they can do to, to work through that and to um become a fullest, fuller expression of their, their soul, self, wow I want one of those.

Aideen Ni Riada: 19:53

So I know myself that I went through a phase where I just thought I wanted to understand my soul. You know, I kind of had this vague notion what a soul was. I had my identity, I had the. What I thought of myself, which I had started to understand, was a very fluid thing, that what I thought of myself was changeable depending on who was around me and what kinds of things I was doing. And it’s part of my personality to be a bit of a chameleon and be able to relate to people in many different situations. But I thought my soul is the, the thing that I wanted to figure out.

Aideen Ni Riada: 20:29

And for me I didn’t find the Moses Code, unfortunately, back then. But what I did find was a book called Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, and this isn’t for everybody, but it does talk about past life and you know the lives between lives. So when we’re almost a soul choosing to come back and choosing to take on some of those lessons and choosing that moment of incarnation again and um, if anyone’s listening and is going, they’ve gone off the tracks. Now don’t worry about it. If you don’t believe it, it’s absolutely fine because in the end this is the only moment we have and for me to understand myself and to understand how I wanted to be in each and every moment. I went on that journey and I wanted information like that and I found that information helpful. But if information comes that is unhelpful, you can just throw it out and you know, look for the helpful stuff. I just. I think everybody’s journey is always so unique and different.

Juliette Noske: 21:33

Yeah, and I’m sure people have loads of questions about how the sole contracts works and what if I have a long name? What if I have a short name? What if I was adopted, and all of these you know, I can definitely look at these because people say you know well, what if I was adopted, you know, and I had a different name, or I was given a different name, and you’ll be surprised. Even so, if you have a different name, then that’s like the icing on the cake. So imagine your birth name is like the cake and then you have a different name for whatever reason. Some people it’s maybe because they’re adopted, some people it’s because they then get married, for example, or they change their name because they feel that they need to. That’s like a layer of icing on the cake. And what’s fascinating is when I was married and I, you know, for those it wasn’t very long for those three, four years I did my chart, um, and what it said in my chart and what happened during those four years was on point. It was absolutely hilarious and it was around. You know the travel that I was doing and the growth that was happening in my life and I was like, oh my gosh, you know you. You just you couldn’t make it up. It was, it was amazing and yeah. So if people have more questions, please do you know, come and connect with me.

Juliette Noske: 23:02

What you’re speaking about in relation to people you know thinking, oh, this has gone a bit off track into you know, like talking about reincarnation things. It’s interesting isn’t Because I was speaking to someone the other day and we were talking about intuition and you cannot, in a scientific sense, prove intuition. However, a lot of scientists use intuition and you know this idea of soul, this idea of intuition, these things maybe we cannot prove them through the form of science, but if we actually look into science deeply, science is where we’re exploring what is, and then the next person comes along and says, no, it’s not like that, it’s actually like this. So we’re always disproving each other. So it’s actually not something that’s set in stone. It’s an exploration of what is that is constantly changing. You know the world is, the world is round. You know the world is, the world is round, and then the world is flat and the world is flat and now the world is round again and people get killed for it. Yeah, you know those beliefs that they have who? I’m not saying whether it’s flat or round. I know people that believe in both.

Juliette Noske: 24:29

Um, what I am saying is that you know, maybe, maybe there’s stuff out there that is true. That is that is not provable. In fact, I’m I’m restudying some. I studied kabbalah many years ago and I’ve got back into it recently and they say that you know 99, 95 to 99 percent of what is the, the universe is, is un, unseeable, unknown, and we live in the one percent or the five percent you know. And so how do we get into that 99? That? That is, that is where our potential is. And so when we go in and we explore things like the soul and the intuition that’s why that’s where the magic happens and the synchronicities or coincidences, or whatever you want to call them. You know things happen, that they’re quite ordinary in a way, but they’re also very magical when, when you tune into those things, because that’s where our potential is, I believe.

Aideen Ni Riada: 25:35

I’m sure you have some stories about that. In terms of that transformation from your being married and into the work that you’re currently doing. Do you have anything that you’re willing to share with us about your intuition journey?

Juliette Noske: 25:55

willing to share with us about your intuition journey. Yeah, wow, loads, probably. Um so well, I’ll give you a small one. It was about, for example, when I was looking for a house to stay. So I was living in Spain at one point and I was looking for a house and I had to move out of where I was staying and it was. It was fairly urgent and I had. I had no idea if I was going to find anywhere, if it was going to be, you know, for the price that I wanted, and I was feeling, I was feeling the pressure of having to do something.

Juliette Noske: 26:32

I don’t know if you’ve ever had this where you know you’re feeling the pressure of having to earn certain money, or you’re having the pressure of, you know, needing to get a home to live in, or you’re having the pressure of whatever it is is for you, and that pressure is causing fear and anxiety. And in those moments, what we really need to do is step into trust and love, having to get somewhere to live. And I was reminded by certain people in my life about coming back into love and trust, and my mum had recently said something to me she’s always been there on this personal development, self-mastery journey with me, and she was reminding me you know, act as if. So in these cases you need to act as if it’s already happened. And so I remember I had to go home to England from Spain, because it was it was Christmas. I wanted to go home, but I still hadn’t found anywhere. And so I’d gone home and I was helping my mum with some online Christmas shopping and I saw these two little elephant decorations, candle holders and I was like, right, I’m going to buy those for my new home, even though I don’t have my home yet. I’m going to act as if I’m going to buy those for my new home. And I’m looking at them now. They’re just sat over there on the side. And so I got them and I’d only taken hand luggage to go home. And these two elephants arrived with all the other Christmas shopping and they were solid stone of some kind, really heavy. I was like, so I had to pack them into my hand luggage, but they fit luckily and headed off back to Spain and then got the message to go and see a property, and it was fantastic. And I was like, yes, I’ll take it.

Juliette Noske: 28:40

And so it was the day that I was gonna sign you know the documents. And they pulled out and I was like what? And again that, that, that fear, that anxiety was right. Then I was like what? And again that fear, that anxiety was right. And then I was like no step back. This is meant to happen. For some reason, this is meant to happen. This is what I said to someone who was made redundant. That’s not for your highest good. There is something better.

Juliette Noske: 29:12

And then it wasn’t long after, on a Sunday. I didn’t even know that this lady, who was like an estate agent, worked on a Sunday. She called me and she said I’ve got this property. Do you want to come and see it today? I was like today, it’s a Sunday. She was like, yes, I’ve got this property.

Juliette Noske: 29:25

I went to go and see it and it was so much better and my landlord and my landlady in spain became a bit like my spanish mom and dad. They were so lovely. I was there for many years and it was. It was perfect and it. It’s that lesson of constantly stepping into love and trust and knowing that god, universe, source, whatever this consciousness is, that is within everything, it, we, everything is here for our highest good and so just keep stepping into that and sometimes things don’t happen or things end because maybe we didn’t make the move when we knew we should have done, or you know, um, in some way it’s, it’s for a reason, and we may not ever know that reason. But we need to step back into trust and love and then that’s when we hold that space for whatever needs to come in comes in well, I’m so excited to share this episode.

Aideen Ni Riada: 30:41

Uh, juliet, I just feel a beautiful energy from you as well to stay woo woo for the end of the episode. I feel something, but I really believe that each and every one of us has some deep kind of connection to our own internal wisdom and there is value in each of us and no matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been or what we’ve gone through, we can come through the other side because we can make a different choice and that when we start making even slightly different choices, that change the changes, the trajectory of our whole life from then on. So and I’m building on something like a simple habit, like I love you, I love you, I love you in the mirror I think that could be a transformational thing for anyone yes, yes, yes, it definitely is.

Aideen Ni Riada: 31:34

Is there anything else you’d like to say to the listeners before we finish up today?

Juliette Noske: 31:42

I would like to say move your body. You know, we did go woo, woo and we are these spiritual beings in a, in a human experience. I believe personally, and I I had someone on my podcast actually recently and we how? Now is the time even more so. Now we need to come into our body and you know, yes, I believe we have a soul, yes, I am connected to all that is and I’m in this body.

Juliette Noske: 32:23

And so, to really ground ourselves within this body, to feel your feet on the floor to I don’t know if you’ve ever done any shaking, but you feel your feet on the floor, you bend your knees and you just let your body kind of shake heavy downwards.

Juliette Noske: 32:40

And you know, you check out on it’s probably on youtube or somewhere and move your hips. Your hips are all about creativity and moving forward in life, whether it’s, you know, a gym it doesn’t have to be a gym whether it’s walking in nature, whether it’s going to a yoga class or Pilates class or, you know, simply going to five rhythms dance there’s loads of alternative dance classes out there or even if it’s in your own lounge or with your family, play music that inspires you, that has beautiful words. And move your body and let your body flow this life that we are living. I often say this this is my work of art and I am. I am the painter and this is the body that is is painting this journey. So, yeah, so get moving and be in your body and feel your feet on the ground, take off your shoes and stand on the grass and be a tree tree pose.

Aideen Ni Riada: 33:50

We looked that one up yeah, thank you so much, juliet.

Aideen Ni Riada: 33:53

It’s been an absolute pleasure. I just love speaking with you and I’m sure that anyone who’s been listening that you’ve enjoyed this episode. This is the Resonate podcast with Aideen and I would love to hear from any of you what you think of today’s session. Juliet has a wonderful website. You can connect with her about her soul reading, contract reading, and also she has a wonderful podcast, and I’m very honored that I was one of your supporters when you were getting that set up and I just wanted to encourage everybody to to check you to to find out more about you and find you on LinkedIn or find your website and start watching what you’re doing, because you have a lot of wisdom and a lot of amazing resources to help people with.

Juliette Noske: 34:39

Thank you very much.

Aideen Ni Riada: 34:41

Take care everybody, Goodbye.

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