Transform Your Life with Angel’s Help: Aishling Mooney – Episode 56

Aishling Mooney, an angel intuitive and spiritual business mentor. Aishling shares her incredible journey, from her first angel circle experience to creating her own group and overcoming fears through the support of Archangel Michael.

What if you could connect with angelic guidance to transform your life and business? Join us for a heartwarming episode of the Resonate Podcast with our special guest, Aishling Mooney, an angel intuitive and spiritual business mentor. Aishling shares her incredible journey, from her first angel circle experience to creating her own group and overcoming fears through the support of Archangel Michael. Her candid recounting of her challenges and triumphs offers invaluable insights into spiritual growth and understanding one’s spiritual needs.

A transformative moment in Florida and a serendipitous connection with Sarah McLachlan’s “In the Arms of Angels” catalyzed significant changes in her life. Her story beautifully illustrates how spiritual guidance can subtly yet profoundly impact our lives, showing the remarkable ways in which divine assistance can manifest.

We also explore Aisling’s entrepreneurial journey, from her pioneering online angel meditation classes, the creation of her “Transform with Angels” course, and the development of her own deck of oracle cards during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aisling also delves into healing historical traumas like the “witch wound,” sharing how overcoming these obstacles is crucial for fulfilling spiritual and business potential.

Tune in to learn about the resources available on her website and the unwavering support of angels in our lives.

Connect with Aishling :

Facebook: @aisling.mooney.35
Facebook Page: @AishlingMooneyAngels
Instagram: @aishlingmooney777
YouTube: @AishlingMooneyAngels

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Welcome to the Resonate podcast with Aideen. My name is Aideen Ni Riada and my guest today is Aishling Mooney. Aishling is an angel intuitive, a spiritual business mentor, author and oracle card creator. She helps spiritual business owners to share their knowledge and healing gifts with the world and get paid for their work. Through their services, courses and even books, aisling shares how we can connect and communicate with powerful angelic beings for support in every area of our lives, relationships and finances. She lives in Italy with her family but, as you’ll hear from her accent in a moment, she is Irish and I’m really excited to have her on today’s show. Welcome, aishling.

Aishling Mooney: 

Hi, aideen, delighted to be here. Yeah, great to hear another Irish accent, it’s great.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

This is really, really lovely to connect with you all the way over. In Italy and I’m here in the USA. The Irish are taking over the world again, this time with a mission. I think we’re all on a bit of a mission, um, when it comes to spiritual business owners being guided, moving outward, taking brave steps in the world. Tell me, aisling, when was the first instance where you really had to establish more confidence in your own voice, in your work?

Aishling Mooney: 

you know I was. I was just thinking about this, aideen, and something that came to me was the very first time, going back 20 years, that I hosted my very first angel circle. So I work now with spiritual entrepreneurs, happen to get online, but the very first sort of time I stepped into entrepreneurship, if you like, was when I started teaching about the angels. And if I even go back a little bit further than that, I found this group walked into the room and, uh, it was, uh, angels music incense, and I thought this is this, is it, I’m home. And it was actually called chaise ange, house of angels. So I was like, right, that’s it, I’m here. So I stayed there for six months and then suddenly one day, they said we’re closing and I was like, okay, I need this, I need this space, I need somewhere to come every um week. I need to be connecting and communicating with the angels every week, because I had really seen the benefits in my own life. And, uh, but this group was closing. So I thought, well, I’m gonna have to open my own group. And while that sounds like, I’m quite confident now speaking and in groups, I’ve hosted hundreds of hours, of thousands of hours of groups at this stage.

Aishling Mooney: 

But at that time I was literally petrified and it was just the the, the thought of I couldn’t be without this space and I didn’t know of any other spaces to join. So I knew that I had to host my own. So I literally created a little poster, put it out there. I wasn’t even sure if anyone would turn up and I think the first night I had six people. I was so scared and shy and nervous that I immediately took people into meditation. I was like, okay, close your eyes, because I was scared to even look at people. Close your eyes. And we went into a meditation with Archangel Michael, who’s always the first angel that I connect with for confidence and courage and protection.

Aishling Mooney: 

So it was exactly what I needed at that moment and so I did that meditation and then after that, because I had settled my own energy, I was able to, you know, share messages and have a conversation, and people were able to share their experiences about what had come through for them when they had connected with their angels. You know, usually there’s messages of guidance and hope and reassurance and healing, and usually people feel a bit more relaxed and peaceful, um, after a session, even though it’s only maybe 20, 30 minutes. So that was the first one, and then the next week some people came back. I was like holy, excuse, my language, I do swear a little bit and I did say that before. I’ll do my best.

Aishling Mooney: 

But um, and so that was it. So I. So they came back and I kept uh showing up and more and more people um came and I did six weeks and then a 12 week course and then, after about two years of teaching uh, hosting these angel circles in person circles in person, I had connected with and communicated with 12 archangels and channeled these guided meditations which I then wanted to share with more people. And, yeah, I wanted to get online. Then I think that was the next sort of step or the next level.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

The next up level.

Aishling Mooney: 

Yeah, but that’s where I I think that having the I don’t even know it wasn’t even courage, it was. It was more that I knew I needed this and there was no other way. I had to do it myself so, but I was literally petrified, yeah.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Yeah, but I was literally petrified, yeah, yeah. What I love about that is that you really had an understanding of what was true for you in that moment, like what your needs were like and who you are as a person. Once you got in, like before you ever did that, uh, six months of whatever chaise anglaise or whatever it is in, is it french? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So before you had done that, you didn’t realize maybe what, where you, where your soul wanted you to be, did you?

Aishling Mooney: 

yeah, I was searching. I was in a lot of different groups. I was in studying mediumship for a long time. I was trans mediumship, I had oracle cards, I had readings. I was, I was, I had studied holistic health, um, for a year. I went, did a year of art therapy, and so I was searching for something, um, and it was when I walked into this room that I was like, oh, this is it, I’m home. I’m home now. I’m never leaving here.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Yeah and then the the fact that it was easier to take a step into that because you felt that resonance, like it was like you’re 100% aligned to that type of thing, and I think that’s what I love to share with guests as well is that you know it’s worth going on that journey, like sometimes we’re on the highs and the lows and we’re like where, where the hell am I going with my life and all of this, but we we need to start to recognize when we feel that alignment, that is, this is me, this feels right to me, and not to second guess that and instead to go right. If this is right for me and no one else is doing it, I have to do it. So, yeah, you had no choice yeah, yeah, that’s it, yeah, beautiful can we go backwards for a second?

Aideen Ni Riada: 

because, um, not everybody grows up with feeling or connection with angels, um, and I’m wondering where that came from in your life. Was there somebody that taught you about it, or is it something that was innate? Tell us a little bit about, if you’re, a bit about your background and as a child even, um, where this belief came from for you oh god, um, oh God.

Aishling Mooney: 

I, from about the age of 16, was, you know, teenager. I have a 16 year old now, so I can understand a little bit of what I might have been going through at that time, which seems, you know, as an adult you can look at it and not take it so seriously. But at the time there was a bit of anguish, there was a bit of of just, I don’t know pain, angst, and my grandfather had died about two years before that and in one particular sort of episode or moment where I was just really struggling, I went to his graveside and said, look, I need some help here, I really need some help, and I didn’t know who I was asking. I had no one else that could under. I couldn’t, didn’t really understand what was why I was even there and from that I don’t know how to even explain this, but I felt his presence after that and he walked with me through my life for the next 10 years, um, and I, I was communicating with him. In my mind I was, uh, it was all the time, and I never told, uh, I never told anyone because it was a bit yeah, I didn’t consciously say I’m not going to tell anyone, but somewhere in me I knew that there wasn’t really anyone in my circle or in my family that could understand, um, the experience that I was having, but so I would.

Aishling Mooney: 

I would say that my grandfather was my first sort of spiritual teacher and guide. It didn’t mean that life was a bed of roses, you know it was still. I still had a lot of challenges. I still had issues with alcohol, depression, anxiety, panic attacks. You know I went a little bit wild in my 20s, as some of us of us do so, but the yeah, but that, um, that presence was, was there for me, and that lasted about 10 years. And then there was a transition period of a few months when the energy of my grandfather said um, it’s time for me to leave, I’m not going to be with you anymore. And uh, I’m, I’m going to introduce you to this other guide, this other being that’s gone now. I had no one to talk to about this. So this was all happening in my head, no, in my life, and the voice is in your head, yeah yeah, so he, he basically introduced me to my guardian angel.

Aishling Mooney: 

So I had never communicated with angels. So I was in my early 20s at that stage and, uh, he introduced me to my, to my guardian angel. And there was a transition period of about three months when, gradually, that presence became stronger and my grandfather’s presence, um, faded out. If you like, I can still call on him, but I have a feeling that he’s off in some other realm or, uh, maybe he’s reincarnated, I don’t know, but he is, he has. He’s off in some other realm, or maybe he’s reincarnated, I don’t know, but he is, he has, he’s doing work, so he’s busy, but I have my guardian angel now and so he’s been with me. For I mean, well, it’s probably your guardian angels with you all the time. But sometimes people say to me, oh, my grandfather or my grandmother is my guardian angel, and I would say, maybe it’s. You’re just at a period in your life where, that’s, you’re more open. So if an angel had arrived and said, hey, I’m going to be working with you, I wouldn’t have resonated with that. I didn’t have any concept of angels, but I was more open to okay, I’d asked for help my grandfather, and he was here to help me, but you’re so, and it took 10 years before I was open to sort of the possibility of even exploring what angels were, and that was it. So similar to what I’d say about my grandfather.

Aishling Mooney: 

I still had a bit of a mad life and I had a sort of out of the box life. I traveled a lot, I worked as a children’s entertainer for 10 years. I you know, I had lots of adventures and it looked like I was having a great life. But I still suffered with anxiety, depression and panic attacks and and not quite suicidal, I would say, but really dark nights of the soul. And in one sort of moment I was in Florida. I was living in Florida with a gang of Irish girls working in an Irish bar. So you can only imagine what sort of what sort of adventures we were getting up to.

Aishling Mooney: 

Um, but it was, the alcohol was too much for me and it was. It was really, you know, not helping, uh, with depression. So, um, I reached a sort of a rock bottom and was alone in the apartment one night and just sort of broke down and I put this music on a CD that I had bought randomly somewhere and I didn’t know what the CD was. I put it in and it was Sarah McLachlan’s song In the Arms of Angels, and I literally had bawled, crying, bawled my heart out and said, ok, if I keep on this trajectory of booze and whatever else came with that, you know I did some things that you know whether it just dulls your senses and you’re so.

Aishling Mooney: 

Anyway, I said, if I keep going this way, I’m not, it’s not going to be good, it’s not going to, it’s not a good road. Um, so I I just prayed, I just said, okay, if there’s really angels, guides, if you’re really gonna help me, this is the time. So I, I need help now. I need help to change things now, and I often say to my clients there was no burning bush and there was no angel that descended into the sitting room and said well, you, know, Ashton, you’re saved.

Aishling Mooney: 

It was more subtle changes that I can see that happened over the next year of my life that I would definitely say the angels intervened, intervened. So my mother, who didn’t know anything about this experience, this anxiety or anything that I was, that was going on with me, arrived two weeks later and was you know, that was sort of the energy to start bringing me back home to Ireland. And I booked. I had a return ticket booked for about three months out, but when I rang them to book they said, sorry, that that’s that’s, there’s no flights there. So I was like a bit nearer no flights, no flights there, no flights there. And I ended up home in Ireland within like a month, within like four, as opposed to I should have been there for another three or four months. So I was literally home faster. I’ll never forget even that conversation on the phone when I was booking the flight. Oh, sorry, I’m going to have to have a drink of water.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Take a sip of water there. Yeah, it’s interesting how sometimes there is a cascade of events that get started off with you going I need help here and Sarah McLachlan kind of bringing in that awareness of the angels, and then suddenly your mother is there and then suddenly you need to to to change your flight, and then then you’re realizing it’s coming faster and faster. I had a similar experience. I was in San Francisco for a year and I was not happy. Oh my God, was I I not happy. I was living on ten dollars a day. I was managing to buy a wrap, oh god, for like four or five dollars. And then I was basically you know, I don’t know what I was doing anyway spending all my money on the rent. The rent was like nearly a thousand dollars a month and, um, so it’s funny. When it all happened, I got let go from my job and I sat in front of my, um, my, my boss, and she said you’re taking this very well and I was like, yeah, it’s grand, you know, I’m happy enough. You know, thanks for letting me go, and because then I was ready, then I was kind of I said, okay, I’m going home, and I was gone Sometimes, you know, coming going backwards is a way of moving forwards, and when you’re younger, like in your 20s and 30s, it can.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

I mean, I moved home again in my 40s and, um, I really felt it was a failure for moving backwards into my home environment or closer to my parents or closer to my where I grew up. But that was actually a way of moving forward for me and it it, yeah. So I’m sure that’s a similar thing. It’s like you, when we need that assistance, we have to let go, we surrender somehow. Then when we say I don’t know what I’m doing, help, it’s. Probably it could be the first time you surrender for like a year or two or three. And when we’re we’re doing it all on our own. We’re not always able to see the best way forward. Like we’re, we’re limited, all of us are limited. Our own thinking, yeah, so it sounds like that then took on a life of its own, that process for you yeah, well, that was it, that was it.

Aishling Mooney: 

So, as I said, it was just incremental changes that I went back to college. I went to study holistic health, found myself back in the different types of massage, healing therapies, yoga. I just found myself doing that. And then I got work in a. It used to be called the House of astrology in dublin, and it was literally the place where every healer in ireland came to buy a book, to sell their book to. There was crystals, there was. So I was just full immersion into the spiritual world, and that’s where I began to join groups. You know, learn about meditation, learn about angels, um, you know, on a deeper level, and so. So that’s what I would say. There wasn’t like a moment, but I I do feel, looking back, that I was, I was very gently pulled in the direction that I was, that I was meant to go, and then, yeah, you know, ended up teaching people to me.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

I think the moment is that, that moment when you said I can’t do this and I need help that’s the moment and then it’s like that you pulled a thread and then all that’s not important starts to unravel, because it’s like you’ve allowed the light back in. You mentioned earlier that another say point of you finding your voice was when you decided you needed to have an online presence, and I know that this has been a big struggle for myself as well, that I would have held myself back from being visible. I have a lot of self-doubt. Tell us a little bit about what instigated that choice for you and what happened for you once you made made that, when you had that realization that you needed to expand in that way yeah, I, I just, I always loved traveling.

Aishling Mooney: 

So, even though I came back to Ireland, I was always, you know, when I met my husband then he liked to travel as well. So, um, we found ourselves in Brazil. We headed to Brazil for, um, it was supposed to be three months and it was two years, but, um, I was leaving work, I was leaving my angel circles and I was like there has to be a way for me to continue doing this, uh, this work. So I first over when I went to Brazil. I was because the language is Portuguese. I didn’t have Portuguese. So I met a yoga teacher and she would we do meditation, I’d do it in English and she would translate in Portuguese. So that was, it was one way around it.

Aishling Mooney: 

But I was convinced that there was another way. I, literally, I wanted to be able to travel wherever I wanted and and make money from anywhere in the world. I didn’t want to be restricted or had to be in one particular place. Um, and that was, that was the impetus behind it. So, um, everybody, because it was, you know, I don’t know what am I talking about now? 17 years ago, 16 years ago, everybody said it’s impossible, you cannot teach meditation online, because it just wasn’t a thing then, um, but I just I, I was prepared to give it, give it a try. This was before zoom. Uh, you know that we have, now that we’re able to, to everybody’s able to do it, um, so what I literally did was I collected a few emails, um, of people that were in my classes and said look, I might be teaching a class online in some sort of way if you’re interested. And I literally got maybe six people that said yes, six or eight people, I think it was, that said yes, we’re interested. They paid me 250 euros for the first course and I created this course called Transform with Angels, but it was literally every week.

Aishling Mooney: 

I had this group and I had to give them a guided meditation. So I just would record a meditation. I don’t even think there was music on it back then. It was literally a recorded meditation of my voice bringing people through the meditation, and I did a little video intro to the angel. So it was Archangel Michael.

Aishling Mooney: 

I’d be like this is the angel to call on if you want courage and confidence and you need some protection in your life. And I might tell them some stories of my own personal stories or stories from clients, and then, um, some little exercises that they could do during the week to connect deeper with the angel, depending on what angel it was, um, and so that’s, that’s, that’s what happened. And then I would just send it all to them in an email. So I would just upload this stuff somewhere I can’t even think it was youtube or somewhere I don’t know and I would just send them an email dropbox back then box maybe, yeah, yeah, I can’t remember what it was amazon, oz, maybe, um, but uh, so that was it.

Aishling Mooney: 

I just literally that’s how I started and did the first program and then started looking for some sort of platform that I could put all this stuff on and that led me to, you know, finding a platform. At the time it was jigsaw box. I don’t think that exists anymore and I wouldn’t recommend it, but I started there and, uh, then I started building a community, I started talking about angels, I hosted some live events, I found facebook, um, that came later and you created your own deck of oracle cards.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

At what point did that happen?

Aishling Mooney: 

oh, that happened literally over for the last two years of COVID, the two years of COVID. So it was literally, um, yeah, I decided to to to do that and then I wanted later, covid cove it. So it was perfect time and it took longer than I expected. It was supposed to be a six, six month project but it, um, it became a deep, uh, beautiful, healing journey. Yet the arco the arco deck is 44 cards and it’s there is about, uh, I think there’s 16 archangels, so there’s about two or three of each archangel in there. They’re beautiful cards, they’re they’re what I, the messages and what I, what I wanted to share from, I suppose, all of the the last 20 years that I’ve been working with angels, so it’s all of the messages that come through. There’s little stories in the deck and it’s not quite for sale at the moment. I have a wait list for the next print run, but if anyone is interested I can go.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Oh, put me on that wait list, ashley. Yeah, so when, when Ashley and I met, um, we spoke about my, my book that I had as a project at the time and, um, I know that you’re moving into helping people to create, like you know, something that they can give people that shares their wisdom, whether it be a course or whether it be a book or whether it be the Oracle cards. But I signed up as well for a couple of other things that you had going on and I just love what you do. I just love it. And when I signed up for the Transform with Angels course, one of the first things you said was get your deck of angels. You’ve got the updated version Aidee.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

I have the updated version with the nice music in the background and good audio quality. The whole lot is gorgeous. It’s not 17 years old, anyway, it’s newer than that. But you said in one of the first lessons it would be good if you had your angel card deck and of course yours isn’t available. So I was like great and off I went shopping for an oracle deck and it’s, you know, I found it was very, um, I enjoyed the process. Um, I haven’t done all of the meditations in the course yet.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

You kind of drip drip it over every week by a week yeah, I have to say I would recommend it to people if you’re interested in finding out more. Um so, when it comes to your clients and working with clients, if somebody was having a difficulty letting that part of themselves out that, like expressing their own, you know wisdom, like a lot of people have done, like hundreds of courses, and they might not even have, you know, very many clients, or they might have been stopping and starting with their mission. So what, what kind of advice would you give to someone like that that might be listening so the majority of my audience right now are spiritual entrepreneurs.

Aishling Mooney: 

So when I put my own first, my program, online, people began to ask me how did you do that and can you teach me? So that sort of was. The next step for me was to create programs and packages and work with people, mainly spiritual entrepreneurs healers, practitioners, yoga teachers anyone that wanted that had a business, like I had meditation and wanted to bring that online in some way. Um, so I, uh, I began to work with them and then, more recently, I’ve started to work with, uh, the same group of people, but so I would show them how to create packages and services and products and courses and get them online, but also books. This is a more recent adventure in the last year, um, after I had put my, put my first book online angels are with you um, people started to ask how, how do I put a book online? How do I get my book online? Um, so, working with heaters and light workers um, there’s a thing called a witch wound. So I’m not sure you you probably have heard of this before. I’ve heard of us yeah, yeah, so it’s. Obviously you need to open your mind a little bit, but my experience of that is that maybe it’s a a past life. If you look at even women, um, the, the amount of women within the last four, 600 years that have been persecuted, murdered, um, for being healers, herbalists, you know we’re talking back to the witch hunts for 600 years or 400 years ago, I think it was. There’s a brilliant book on that called Witch by Lisa Lister, if anyone wants to read about the witch wound in particular. So there’s.

Aishling Mooney: 

So I tell you my experience. I was in, I was working with a in a meditation group one night and we went to a past life and I had this experience when I came out of it, that my stomach was empty and I was talking to my teacher and I said I just have this really strange experience that I’m looking down at my stomach and there’s nothing there. And she connected in and she said it’s a past life. You were a witch, you were it was one of many past lives that I’ve learned about since then and where I’ve been a healer, a witch, a light worker, as I would call it, um. And she said you were hung, drawn and quartered, so literally good at um. So obviously we did a lot of healing on that, did a lot of work to heal up, heal that um, um, and there was. There was also a past life of um, poverty where I was in a herbal garden and the herbs had all failed and I had no money coming in to feed myself or my family and I had died as a healer in that life.

Aishling Mooney: 

So the point I’m trying to make is healers and lightworkers it’s not just a traditional business owner they might be coming with this backlog of past life experience or trauma related to when they had to speak, when they had to share their gifts, when it was, you know, coming from a lifetime where it just was not okay to say I’m a healer, I’m an intuitive, I’m an empath, I’m a clairvoyant, any of these things. So a lot of the times, like someone might come to me and say, um, oh god, like a simple thing, somebody would. So one of my clients came to me this is this is an example and said I can’t set up my paypal account. I’ve tried, I can’t figure it out. And I said to her look, paypal are great, you just have to ring them. They’re very kind, they’re on the end of the phone. You can tell them about the problem, you can email them. They’re quite responsive.

Aishling Mooney: 

But she had this block. So we went in and it was nothing to do with that, it was. It was fear of, um, uh, she’d been home or something like that in a past life. So literally her voice was, uh had been stopped. She was literally stopped speaking, yeah, strangled, literally. So we did some healing, we did some forgiveness, we took some lessons from that life and brought them forward and I said to her okay, let’s just set the the intention that this week you’re going to sort this out with paypal and if it doesn’t work with them, you’re going to set up some other way to accept money for your healing gifts. And she had it set up within a few days. So it’s like the block. You know people will come, I want a business, but I can’t set up PayPal. It’s the block, might not be the block that’s there, um. So I don’t know if that answers the question a little bit, yeah.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

I think so. I think it’s, yeah, I think it’s self-awareness, isn’t it? It’s, sometimes it’s unreasonable. The fear that you have is unreasonable, based on what is right in front of you. Um, I was just speaking to my sister earlier and I I told her about the affirmation I use for a long time, which is I am safe, all is well. I am safe, all is well, and that was something I had to say to myself a lot and I’ve gained my confidence over time and over.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Like, you get those little nudges sometimes where you’re kind of being guided oh I really want to do that. Like you kind of feel like, oh, I really want to do that. So you find a way to do it. You find a way to overcome your fear. You get the help. You ask a teacher, you do a bit of healing work, you do the journaling. Yeah, you go. Overcome your fear, you get the help. You ask a teacher, you do a bit of healing work, you do the journaling. Yeah, you go for a walk. You talk to your grandfather, whoever it is, you know whether they’re alive or past, um, but we have to keep on the journey, isn’t it? It’s about not stopping, not stalling so much that you can’t move forward and I’ve definitely stopped and started myself. But once you get going and there’s a bit of momentum, then it gets easier.

Aishling Mooney: 

Yeah, yeah.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Yeah, I’m afraid we’re going to have to wind things up in a couple of minutes Aisling and I did want to mention to people that you offer a beautiful guided meditation on your website, ashlingmooneycom that’s ashling, a-i-s-h-l-i-n-g, mooneycom how to meet or meet your guardian angel. So I wanted to mention that to people and to let them know that they can find out about your services and everything that you do there. But I wanted to also ask you is there anything else you’d like to say to our listeners before we finish up?

Aishling Mooney: 

yeah, I have one thing, and it’s um that angels are around us all the time and they’re this untapped resource. So sometimes I I say to clients you know your angels, you know, if a client comes to me or if I’m in a group and people are talking about their issues and challenges and things that they’re struggling with in their life, and I’m saying, you know, your angels are outside the door right now having a smoke break, because they’re literally sitting there waiting for you to employ them, to put them to work. And the way to do that is to ask, to not be afraid, to just ask. And my angels have said years ago it’s the same thing to ask for a lipstick Where’s my lipstick that I can’t find, where’s that parking space that I’m looking for?

Aishling Mooney: 

Or where is the 10 000 euros in the bank. It’s the same ask for them. It’s us that puts the different levels of um feeling into that you know, or or stories into the, into those things. So, and they’re just like we can help you with everything, anything we can. We’re there to help. And it starts with just being open and asking for what you want.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Beautiful, yeah, and starting with your own guardian angel, the one that each of us has, it’s gorgeous and I think you know, sometimes, if we think back to our lives and little incidences that have happened to us, where we either felt a presence with us or we were guided in some way, um, there’s evidence in most of our lives that something is out there helping us, and I think you know if you just let yourself think back yeah you might see that angels have already been working in your life and and we get to work together and not be alone in life, um, so I think it’s really, really beautiful the work you’re doing, and I hope anybody listening that you remember that you’re not alone and that there are people here for you.

Aideen Ni Riada: 

Aishling and myself would love to speak to you more if you’d like any help and ask your, ask your angels. Thank you so much. This has been Aideen Ni Riada and Aishling Mooney coming to you on the Resonate podcast, and thank you everyone for listening and we hope to have you join us again soon. Bye, bye.

Aishling Mooney: 

Thanks, Aideen.

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